Oral Cancer is a cancer of the mouth or tongue. While oral cancer is rare, Kentucky has more cases per person than the broader United States. In Kentucky, doctors will diagnose an estimated 850 people with oral cancer. Among this group, 190 of these patients will die. With a high death rate, dentists and oral surgeons must screen their patients for signs and symptoms of oral cancer. A doctor failing to diagnose oral cancer is possibly an example of dental malpractice. A patient who has suffered failure to diagnose malpractice must Call a dental negligence lawyer. A dentist negligence lawyer will evaluate whether you can bring a successful lawsuit.
Call your dentist and/ or your doctor if you notice the following list of symptoms:
A sore or lesion in the mouth that does not heal within two weeks.
A lump or thickening in the cheek.
A white or red patch on the gums, the tongue, tonsils , or lining of the mouth.
A sore throat or lump in the throat.
Difficulty chewing or swallowing.
Difficulty moving the jaw or tongue.
Numbness of the tongue or other area of the mouth.
Swelling of the jaw that causes implants to fit poorly or become uncomfortable.
Chronic hoarseness.
Having one of the above symptoms doesn’t mean you have oral cancer. Most likely you have a less serious problem. However, you must visit a medical professional for a diagnosis. Your dentists determines if a referral is needed for more screens.

A dentist should properly screen for cancer at each exam (every 6 months). The dentist asks questions about tobacco and alcohol use. The dentists looks for symptoms consistent with cancer. The dentist is responsible for taking appropriate action in preventing the worsening of the cancer if symptoms are discovered at this point. This includes follow-up examinations and referrals to other medical professionals for diagnosis.
Specifically, your dentist observe the symptom for about two weeks. If the symptom has not healed , the dentist refers to an oral surgeon. The oral surgeon evaluates and determines whether to conduct a biopsy. A biopsy, or the removal and examination of tissue, is the most effective method for detecting cancer. A pathologist examines the tissue under a microscope and ultimately diagnoses oral cancer.
Dental malpractice for failing to diagnose oral cancer occurs for several reasons. If the dentist fails to conduct screens, the cancer will not detected. Second, Dentists often misdiagnose a symptom as periodontal disease or as loose tissue. Further, an oral surgeon who delays a biopsy could result in a delayed in diagnosis. Finally, a doctor will improperly read a biopsy in addition to failing to double-check the initial diagnosis after a report has been made. Any of these failures delay the detection of cancer which can prove deadly.
Cancer has less time to spread when detected early on. Early detection makes treatment more effective. Further, the patient experiences more expensive treatment if detection occurs later. Early treatment includes a simple surgical extraction. Later treatment consists of surgical, radiation, or chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy results in hair loss, nausea, and vomiting. When Oral cancer worsens, symptoms include problems with swallowing, tooth decay, and fatigue.
These painful symptoms interfere with work and cause severe pain and suffering. Moreover, the later that cancer is detected the more likely the cancer will result in death. When a patient dies from oral cancer that could have been prevented, the patient’s family can bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the doctors who failed to diagnose the oral cancer.
If you, or someone you care about, has suffered from a failure to diagnose oral cancer, please email or call 502-771-0588. Under Kentucky law, any malpractice claim, including a claim against a dental professional must be brought within one year of when the injury occurred or reasonably should have been discovered. Under Indiana law, any malpractice claim must be brought within two years. Do not hesitate to call us.